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Club Penguin (Games) - TOP.ORG
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luni, 19 aprilie 2010

postheadericon Cum sa fii ghid

Cum sa devii un ghid:
1-Te duci la ski Village.
2-Dai click pe TOURS.

3-Apoi dai click la “Would you like to become a tour guide yourself? Click here for more details”.

4-Apo dai click pe "Take the quiz".
Apoi raspunzi cu aceste raspunsuri:

Q:How many sled-racing courses are there?

Q:How does the pink puffle play?
A:Skips with skipping rope

Q:What is the name of the big fish in ice fishing?

Q:What day does the newspaper come out?

Q:Which of these games has a shark in it?
A:Jet pack adventure

Q:What color of puffle can catch on fire?

Q:How many coins does it cost to buy a player card background?

Q:What is thrown out of the truck in level 4 of bean counters?

Q:In what room can you find old copies of the Penguin Times?
A:Boiler Room

Q:What is the name of Captain Rockhopper’s ship?
A:The Migrator

Q:Which of these rooms does not have a game in it?

Q:Which room has a cuckoo clock?
A:Ski Lodge

Q:How do you get a pin?
A:Click on it

Q:Which of these places doesn’t have music playing in the background?
A:Pet Shop

Apoi.cand ai terminat iti da o palarie.

La sfarsit vei primi un manual  pentru ghizi.


Sper ca v-a fost de ajutor;)

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